kicked off the new year with our annual and very popular Members
Show and Tell Night, staying inside where it was cozy and warm!
For this January’s Zoom meeting, there was a twist… "if you cared
to accept it!" We asked members to "depict, in some
visual form, your New Year’s Resolutions" and share it at the
meeting. Many of the 24 attendees took up the challenge and
shared their resolutions with the group.
Our president, Rozenia Cunningham opened with a short business
meeting. She mentioned the Christmas party at the Lithuanian
club and thanked Dennis McDonnell for taking the
pictures. She stated that we made over $400 in the auction
for the EAA Scholarship fund, explaining how it gets awarded in May
to a Euclid High School senior studying art. Then, Rozenia
reminded everyone about the Spring Fine Art Show being held at the
Fairmount Center during the month of May and encouraged everyone to
start painting and be ready to enter.
Next, we opened EAA’s Virtual Winter Show by presenting a
five minute slideshow video of the beautiful artwork in the show.
We asked everyone to view the show @EuclidArt.com and to vote for
their favorite work of art, encouraging them to share the link with
their family and friends. Many thanks to Kirk Ramsey, our
webmaster, for all his hard work on creating this virtual show….very
nicely done!
Up next…our New Year’s Resolutions! Rozenia shared that
she loves making resolutions and has done so every year for the past
20 years! She started off by telling the group about EAA’s key
resolutions, which included finding members to be the next EAA
Secretary, the next webmaster and the assistant program director.
Thanks to everyone who shared their resolutions, most in visual
form. Many of the resolutions were art related . . . go from
realistic to abstract; improve portrait painting skills to capture
age appropriate likeness; use new brushes to create unique
abstracts; keep a daily journal of sketches depicting "the life
of Bernie’s cat"; let the colors ‘pour out’ freely on the
canvas; finish what I started; and clean up my art studio.
Kathryn’s art depicted her desires to grow spiritually, find a faith
community near where she now lives and to do an art journal workshop
at the YMCA.
Char shared two watercolor images,
one done by her granddaughter. She described her desire to
have more patience, slow down by not doing too much, be more aware
of the environment and to spend more time in nature.
Additional resolutions ranged from "I
don’t make resolutions" to "I’m going to be that sassy bird in my
drawing" and from "dreams, just do it" to the quest to make non-flat
chocolate chip cookies.
It was a fun
evening of sharing among friends. Until next year….Have a great