

Euclid Art Association Board Members
President Rozenia Cunningham
Vice President  
Treasurer Sandi Richards
Secretary Sue Herrle
Program Director Joan Milligan
Editor Sue Herrle
E-mail:    info@EuclidArt.com

A Little History


The Euclid Art Association is over 60 years old.  Here's how it all began...

On November 12, 1958 five ladies met with a common interest in art:  Susan Beaumont, Pearl Campbell, Fay Ginsburg, Margaret E. Hain and Lee Logan; most were Euclid School art teachers.  The first formal meeting was held December 5, 1958 at the Euclid County Library on East 222nd Street.  EUCLID ART ASSOCIATION was chosen as the name of the organization and Margaret E. Hain was elected it's first president.

In 1967 the "Mobile Art Cart" was conceived to provide patients at Euclid General Hospital with a painting of their choice to hang in their rooms.  Anne Hayes was chairperson of this project for almost 20 years.  It was disbanded when patients no longer had extensive stays in the hospital.

In the early years, there were many Sidewalk Art Shows in downtown Euclid, as can be seen in the old pictures to the left.  Since that time, the club has had shows at Euclid Square Mall, Richmond Mall, Holden Arboretum, the Euclid Park Clubhouse (now Community Center), Euclid Hospital, Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Church, Lakeland Community College and the Willoughby Hills Community Gallery.

Our current show venues include the Euclid Public Library, Breckenridge Village and Shore Cultural Centre.

The club's gallery and offices are located on the second floor of the former North Street School, 2119 North Street, Euclid.  The schoolhouse, originally built in 1894, was restored during Mayor Anthony J. Giunta's administration.  The first floor houses the Euclid History Museum.

At each monthly meeting guest artists demonstrate one of many varied techniques in the field of the fine arts.  Our first meeting of the season, which runs from September to June, is given over to a demonstration by one of our members.  At the January meeting we have "Member's Night" where members can show examples of their work and talk about their art.  At the June meeting a professional artist or art educator critiques a piece of members' artwork.

A scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding Euclid High School art student.  Michelle Brown, one of our earlier recipients, is a current member of Euclid Art.  A newsletter is mailed each month to all members and a membership book is printed each year.  We have a present membership of over 80 artists and art lovers and some of our members have been with us for 20 years or more.

The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. acquired a Margaret E. Hain lithograph, Untitled (Zoo), c. 1945-1950.  Margaret was one of the founding members of Euclid Art and our first president.

For a peek into the inner workings of the Association today, see The Tuesday Board Meeting - A Snapshot...


Euclid History Museum - Home of Euclid Art Association
2119 North Street, Euclid, OH 44117

Euclid Art Association - 1961 Susan Beaumont and Lee Logan

EAA Sidewalk Art Show - September 20, 1964 - Left, June McMillan, Kirtland, OH, Chairman of the show.  Right, Marge Hain, Mentor, OH, President of the Art Association.  "Having a little fun while publicity pictures were being taken."

Ever wonder what happens at Tuesday Board Meetings?

The Tuesday Board Meeting - A Snapshot...

The Art of the Envelope - EAA Board Members' Art

 From The Archives...

  Thumb Print Art (1989)

  Membership Booklet Art Covers