always been fascinated by images. As a child I read
National Geographic and Life magazines, and even today I can
tell at a glance if I've read an issue because I'll
recognize the pictures.
By age nine I was taking photographs with an old Brownie, by
ten I was friends with a local photographer and learning to
develop my own film, and at eleven my grandmother gave me
her used 35mm camera, and I was a "professional".
Photography led to drawing, and pencil sketches evolved into
pen and ink drawings. Eventually I gathered up my
courage and, with the guidance of master watercolorist David
Rankin, was at last able to bring color to my world of black
and white. Watercolor painting is a journey I will
probably continue for the rest of my life, for there is a
world filled with beauty just waiting to be captured.
On-line galleries:
Facebook: Kirk S. Ramsey Art
Feel free to contact the artist via e-mail at: