Susan Herrle
I am a long time resident of Euclid, graduated from Bowling Green State University with a major in Math and minor in Biology, and worked as an Information Technologies Manager at Ameritech for most of my business career.  I only took up watercolor painting when I retired from my work-a-day job.  Up until then, I never had any formal art training.

My experience with watercolor started with classes at The Cleveland Museum of Art, and then I started taking classes from my good friend, David Rankin, an internationally acclaimed watercolor artist.  Even after all these years, I still consider myself his student and a David Rankin clone.  It remains my goal to continue to learn and develop into my own style, which includes the use of new computer technologies.  I intend to use the new Paper by 53 app on my iPad to enhance my creativity.

I joined the Euclid Art Association in April 2004 and have won several awards in the EAA Spring Library and Lakeland Community College Fine Arts shows.

Feel free to contact the artist via e-mail at:

Sky Light & Reflections

A Walk in the Park

Bass Harbor Head Light

The Pier


Caribbean Retreat - Photo

Sailing Through

Squire's "Spooky" Castle - Photo

If a Tree Falls in the Forest