Dan Driscoll

Dan's interest in art started with two very influential art teachers in a vocational high school art class.  He always wanted to paint.  He even painted a picture of Teddy Roosevelt on the wall at Roosevelt Elementary School in Willowick.  Knowing that he couldn’t make money from his art, he went on to become an engineer.  It was just 10 years ago that he returned to doing art . . . with a cartoon strip called “hey picklehead!”, which he says he only draws for his own whimsy.  Dan works with acrylics on canvas, painting pictures from real life, each with a story behind it.  He tries to put something happening in each of his paintings.  His recent affinity for Venetian red and burnt umber, a favorite combination, can be seen in a number of his paintings.  Enjoy!

January, 2017 Demonstration at Euclid Art Association

Feel free to contact the artist via e-mail at:   driscolld12@gmail.com


Serengeti Sunset

Picklehead's Toolbox

Bat Bird

Polynesian Sunset

Midnight at the Arch

Moon Gazers

Stonehenge v3

Its my day to watch the bird

Orange Midnight City with Whale