Our purpose is to stimulate an interest in the visual arts among our members and to provide a focus on the fine arts for the community.



 Welcome to the Euclid Art Association...
  • The Euclid Art Association’s NEW 2024-2025 SEASON officially starts July 1.  Don’t forget to renew your membership….details below.  As a reminder, we do not meet in July and August.  However, the EAA Board continues to meet weekly to plan for the new season.  Please share any ideas or suggestions you might have for monthly demonstrators with our program director, Joan Milligan at artsiegirl826@aol.com.  Plus, EAA Sketchers continues throughout the summer.

    We meet at the East Shore United Methodist Church, 23002 Lakeshore Blvd in Euclid, September, October, November and April, May, June.  During the winter months of January, February, and March, we will zoom.  In December, our annual Christmas party & Chinese auction fundraiser will again be held at the very popular Lithuanian Club.  The first meeting of the new season is September 9, the first Monday after Labor Day.
  • RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW . . . Membership renewal for 2024-2025 starts now!  The new season officially begins July 1 and goes through June 30, 2025.  The cost of renewal remains the same - Single $25, Joint or Associate $30, Student $11.  FREE perk of membership . . . get your own Members Art Page on EuclidArt.com.  How to details are on the website, Members Art Page.  During July and August, we will be putting together our new Membership Booklet!  Mail your check to Membership Chairperson, Char Dayton.  Her address is in your Membership booklet or the June Newsletter.  Make your check payable to Euclid Art Association.  Please include any updates to your contact information (address, home/cell phone, email address) along with your check.  Thanks to everyone who has already renewed.  
  • EAA SKETCHERS − NEW challenge for July.  It’s an Art Scramble with reveal Sunday, July 28 from 1 - 3p.m.  Contact Joan Milligan at artsiegirl826@aol.com for your randomly selected subject and art style.  All are welcome to participate.  What would you create if your randomly chosen subject was portrait/figure and art style was Graffiti?  Send your completed images to info@euclidart.com before the 28th.

    The June challenge, revealed Sunday, June 23 had 10 artworks submitted depicting the artist’s favorite summertime picnic and food.  Half of them were abstracts!  Can you guess what picnic food is represented in those abstracts without peeking at the write up… on the Events page?
  • Euclid Art Association presents a WORKSHOP with artist Kathy Hess, owner of Spirit of Clay.  "Design Your Art on Ceramics", Saturday, August 10, from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. at Spirit of Clay, 828 SOM Center Rd, Mayfield Village, OH.  Cost is $75 for members, $90 for nonmembers.  Click here for more details.  Contact Pam Montagno, montagnop@aol.com or call 440-622-6020 to register.  Sign up NOW!
  • Congratulations to all our 2024 Spring Fine Art Show winners.  Best of Show winner, John Koch for his oil painting, "Trees".  First Place winners are: "The Market" by John Koch (Oil & Acrylic), "A Secret Vineyard" by Charlene Dayton (Watercolor), "Dance of the Dragonfly" by Cheryl Brickman (Graphic Art), "Anything, Everything, Everywhere" by Rozenia Cunningham (Mixed Media) and "Bridal Veil" by Kathy Komaromy (Photography).  Show judge, Edward E. Parker, master artist and sculptor, said, "Very good show.  Hard choices.  Several could have been Best of Show.  Selected "Trees" because of texture, perspective and size."  See all show winners on the Art Show page.

  • Meet the winner of the 2024 Margaret E. Hain Memorial Art Scholarship − Euclid High School Senior, Karsyn Sharp.  "….art is an integral part of me, and I’ll be doing it for the rest of my life.  I see myself getting at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and becoming an art teacher, so I can inspire kids…."  Congratulations to Karsyn.