Our purpose is to stimulate an interest in the visual arts among our members and to provide a focus on sharing the fine arts with the community.



 Welcome to the Euclid Art Association...
  • The Euclid Art Association’s next monthly meeting is Monday, April 7, 2025 at 7:00p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of East Shore United Methodist Church, 23002 Lakeshore Blvd., in Euclid.  Join us for an evening of art.  Remember, it’s BYOT (Bring Your Own Treats) to share with 6 to 8 people after the meeting.  All are welcome to attend.  Guest fee is a $3.00 donation.

    We are featuring artist, Laura Rath, demonstrating "Creating Textured Landscapes Oil Paintings".  Although life took her in different directions, she ultimately rediscovered her love of painting.  Laura’s interest in art started at a very young age when a local library agreed to fill their display cases with her art works.  Born and raised in the Akron area, she went to the University of Akron and became a math and science teacher.  Laura, mother of four boys, and her husband currently live in Stow.  While she enjoys a variety of mediums, she is primarily an oil painter who creates richly textured landscape and cityscape scenes, often inspired by photos she has taken while traveling through Europe.  She is an award-winning artist whose work has been displayed in the US and abroad.  Her style is heavily influenced by her love of impressionist art.  She is excited to share her art with us.  Visit her website at https://www.laurarathart.com/.
  • Many thanks to artist, David Rankin for his zoom demonstration on March 3.  Over 25 members watched him demonstrate his, "Shape Sketching Procedures", drawing urban landscapes . . . bridges in and around Cleveland, plus more.  We planned to sketch along with David, but the Zoom chat feature used to share his references with us didn’t work due to "too many participants" (don’t you love technology).  So, David had to pivot.  Instead, we watched him sketch, using an image on his iPhone of a barge on the Cuyahoga River going under the iconic lift bridge.  "Where do you start to sketch this complicated subject," we asked.  Start with the shape at the back of the barge, i.e., the shape closest to you.  David completed his sketch, drawing shape after shape and adding reflections as the final touch.  "It doesn’t have to be perfect, nor include all the details…just some," he said.  Next, David demonstrated his light study technique using three values of Paynes Gray.  Watching David paint is always informative and fun.  You can watch his complete demo on EAA’s YouTube channel….to be posted soon.
  • SPRING FINE ART SHOW AT FAIRMOUNT CENTER, MAY 5 - MAY 31,. 2025.  EAA is fortunate to have the Fairmount Center for the Arts available for our traditional Spring Fine Art Show while the Euclid Public Library is being renovated.  The exhibition will be seen by patrons attending the Fairmount programs.  There are two time periods dedicated to viewing the Euclid Art show - Saturday, May 17 from noon to 4:00p.m. and Saturday, May 31 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the ‘punch and cookies’ reception and awards presentation.  Remember….Pick up your art when the reception ends at 4:00.
  • EUCLID ART MEMBERS….It’s time to enter the EAA SPRING FINE ART SHOW.  Show entry forms and instructions were emailed to you with the March newsletter and are also available for printing on the Art Shows page.  Also read "Do’s & Don’ts on Art Presentation".  Entry deadline is Thursday, April 10.  Per the Instructions, entries must be taken to the Fairmount Center for the Arts on Saturday, May 3, between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. ONLY.
  • The Spring Fine Art Show raffle features an original, framed acrylic floral by artist Chris Cozen.  Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and can be purchased at our April 7 and May 5 monthly meetings or on May 17 & 31 at Fairmount Center when viewing the spring show.  Chris, a well known acrylic and mixed media artist, splits her time between Palm Desert, CA, where she actively participates on their Artists Council and Euclid, OH.  She is a member of EAA and has demonstrated and held workshops for us.
  • CONGRATULATIONS to Kirk Ramsey . . .the winner of the PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD in our 2025 VIRTUAL WINTER SHOW @EuclidArt.com.  His watercolor, #110, "Winter’s Dawn" got the most votes.  Second runner up was Kathy Komaromy’s photograph, "Bridge to Nowhere, Euclid, OH".  There were many favorites among the 105 people who voted!  Thanks to all the members who participated.  You can view all the show entries on the Art Shows page or click here.
  • Let your art be seen!  Get it from under the bed and in the closet!  Join EAA on Friday, April 25, a little before 10a.m. for the next Euclid City Hall Exchange.  Department Heads choose artwork to hang in their offices.  Your work may be selected to hang in the lobby or on the Mayor's Art Wall.  Look for EAA coordinators in the City Hall rotunda, 585 East 222nd St.
  • The Euclid Art Association is offering the Margaret E. Hain Memorial Art Scholarship to a Euclid High School senior who will graduate in 2025.  This $600 award will be available to a student who is currently receiving art instruction and plans to pursue further education in the study of art.  Senior art students should see their art teacher or guidance counselor, Kathleen Gonakis, for forms and details.  The application deadline is 6:00 p.m. on April 2.  Winner will be announced at the Senior Awards Breakfast, May 13.
  • HEADS UP! About Town News . . . Save the date of Saturday, May 3, 2025.  Sketch with artist, David Rankin at the Cleveland Zoo.  This is part of the Society of Animal Artists (SAA) initiative to sketch animals in Zoo’s around the world!  Start time and meet up location, TBA. If interested, contact Deanna Rankin at davidrankinwatercolors@gmail.com .
  • WORKSHOP . . . SIGN UP NOW - "Mixed Media and Acrylic Paints come together in the Art of Abstract Expression", instructor, JoAnn DePolo, April 5 from 10a.m. - 3p.m at the EAA Gallery.  Transform your approach to painting and unleash your artistic vision in this immersive abstract workshop.  Explore the core principles of abstract composition, experimenting with a diverse range of paints, tools, and innovative techniques.  Learn to layer compositions using everything from high-flow to heavy-body acrylics, watercolor inks.  All materials - paints, brushes, applicators, and canvasses 16x20 provided.  Just wear an apron or old shirt.  Cost $95 members / $125 nonmembers.  Sign up now!  To register, contact Pam Montagno at montagnop@aol.com or call 440-622-6020.  See the Workshops page.


Euclid History Museum - Euclid Art Association