Kerry Remp
"Layered Cut Paper Portraits"
Euclid Art Association
April 25, 2015
Photos from the workshop
image to enlarge...)
"We all enjoyed
our workshop with Kerry Remp. Kerry started doing ‘layered cut
paper’ portraits about two years ago at Christmas, doing a
selfie of his wife! Since then he has created many portraits,
including Billie Joel, pets, children, Star Wars characters, and
his most complex is Willie Nelson, which has eight layers. Most
of his work is from 4 to 7 layers. We did Johnny Cash in the
workshop, which we completed in just 4 layers!
Kerry demonstrated how he takes a digital photo and renders it
into layer using a free software called GIMP. He used the
posterize function, scaled the image to the size 8x10,
determined the number of layers needed to make the image pop and
converted the image to gray scale. From there, you just save the
image as a .jpg and print the number of copies needed....same as
the number of layers + 1. Select your colors and card
stock....then go to work....cutting, layer by layer. Suggestions
Kerry gave us are work from light to dark, cut from the middle
to the outside, cut floaters first.
We had fun....as you can see by these pictures!”
Class intently focused on cutting shapes - Sharing a cutting board
- First paste-up
Layer by layer,
cutting and pasting, Johnny Cash begins to emerge...
Second layer was tricky - took concentration! Forth layer
does the trick!
Mounted and framed . . . student projects look great!