DECEMBER 7, 2020


Euclid Art held it first ever Virtual Christmas Party event and it was a big success!  There were 30 participants on zoom, each one sharing their Christmas outfits with us and telling how long they’ve been with Euclid Art.  We enjoyed hearing everyone's stories.  They told us how much they enjoyed the artist's demos at our monthly meetings and our workshops were a big hit, too!  We also learned from Jack Hickson that Oser’s Dairy & Deli in Canal Fulton has the very BEST chocolate ice cream!  After the introductions, Lee read The Night Before Christmas, along with sound effects.  It’s an EAA tradition.  Ellen’s cookie demonstration was fun to watch...zoom hasn’t mastered the art of ‘smell & taste’, yet!  For her cherry bomb (a.k.a. galaxy) cookie recipe, click here.  There were 17 entries to vote on for the best Christmas/winter themed artwork/photographySandi Richards ‘Christmas Roses’, watercolor on rice paper, was voted the Best.  Next, we enjoyed a 5-minute slideshow video of past Christmas parties...lots of pictures of faces and food!  Next, Joan announced the winners of the Best outfit.  Congratulations to Rozenia and her son, Jaden.  And, the winner of the random draw door prize was....drum roll, please,...Ellen Howard!