Euclid Art Association
January 6, 2020 - Members' Night  'Show and Tell'
Joan Milligan - Terese Berzinskas - Bernie Russ
(plus video presentation by Lee Peters)

Every year in January, Euclid Art Association features several members for an evening of ‘Show & Tell’.  On this dark, windy and somewhat cold evening in January (at least there was no snow!), over 25 members and guests came to hear Joan, Terese and Bernie, tells us about their artwork and to see Lee’s ‘drone swarm & laser light show’ video.

Joan Milligan, our first presenter, had no formal art training until she met Dottie Geisert in 2001.  She grew up as an ‘army brat’, one of 6 children, and lived all over the United States.  She could always draw...horses being her favorite subject.  Now, not only is she skilled at drawing (she decorates most of EAA’s newsletter envelopes mailed to our webmaster, here to see the envelopes), but she is skilled in pastels, photography and watercolor, too. Just look at her amazing pastel of Prince.

Next, Terese Berzinskas, who is Lithuanian, was born in a refugee camp in Germany.  Her art story started as a young child, inspired by the art on the envelopes she received from her aunt.  She received a degree in art education from Case Western and eventually became an art therapist.  Then, as happens, life got in the way.  She didn’t return to doing her own art until she turned 65.  She loves to paint nature.  Her favorite mediums are acrylic and pen & ink.

Next presenter was Bernie Russ.  Bernie had been doing art on and off all her life.  She started at Cooper School of Art for one year, went to work at American Greetings, joined the Army, went back to Cooper Art School for two more years, then went to Ursuline college for four years in art therapy.  In between she stopped to have a family.  She paints in watercolor and acrylic on glass.  There is so much more to her story.  We were all intrigued by her ‘coffee filter’ roses.

Last, our president, Lee Peters presented a 10+ minute video of the 40th anniversary of Shenzhen, China, an amazing LED display of computer lights and a swarm of synchronized LED drones....enjoyed by all.

For more information and pictures from each presentation, please click on Joan, Terese, Bernie.

After the presentations, we headed to the refreshment table.  It was BYOT (bring your own treats) night!  We had a nice assortment of goodies for all to enjoy.  Mary Ann made delicious pimento cheese sandwiches, Sue brought a veggie tray, Lillian brought a loaf of homemade bread and Cindy brought rugelach....and lots more.  Thanks to everyone who brought goodies to share.