September 13, 2019
The City of Euclid’s 4th Annual Art Walk
was held
on Friday, September 13, from 5 - 8pm. It was a
very hot and sunny
day! With bad weather predicted, the City decided to move the Art
Walk activities indoors at the Shore Cultural Center. The Euclid
Art Association had interactive painting stations set up for
adults and children in a large room with a ceiling fan and a
window air conditioner. Needless to say, we were very happy to be
inside at Shore! There were vendors of all kinds set up throughout
Shore Center....food, clothing, photographers, dancers, painters,
live music, and more. In spite of the predicted bad weather, the
event was very well attended. EAA had a room full of painters all
evening, including a 7 month old and a couple in their 80’s.
“Putting paint to canvas is magical”, said Joan
our coordinator. “We saw a lot of magic that night.” Special
thanks to
Wallene Ducmanas, Emma Berzonsky
and Mary Williams who helped Joan with
the art tables.
In addition to the
5”x7” canvases that children could paint on and then take home, we
also had a large “Euclid
Art Walk 2019”
canvas for everyone to paint on. Even Euclid’s Mayor came and
added her artist touch! The finished painting will be given to the
City. President,
Lee Peters
was also at Shore
waving the EAA banner, greeting people, directing them into the
painting room and encouraging them to join Euclid Art. We may even
have a few more new members as a result! In addition, our Vice
Rozenia Cunningham
held a Paint Party at
Lakeshore Coffee House at 7pm. Ignoring the heat, twelve ‘budding’
artists attended, including our own
Mary Ann Gambitta.
The pending storm did hit between 7:30 & 8pm and many got soaking
wet as they packed to go home. Overall, it was
so much fun!
Enjoy these pictures from the evening’s activities. . .
Scenes from the
2019 Euclid Art Walk

Rozenia Cunningham's Paint Party