June 6,
Members’ Art Critique Night with Tom Evert
Peters, our president, got the meeting started with a short
business meeting. There were 35 in attendance, including 2
guests and 2 new members. First, Lee offered a tribute to the 72nd
anniversary of D-Day. Then, he announced the first Euclid Art
Association’s Ice Breaker Award....“ those
who get the ball rolling when
everybody stands back
and waits for somebody to start things. And 1st place at the head
of the reception line every month is Kirk Ramsey, followed by 2nd
place, Tom Herrle. Without them we’d all go home hungry and our
hosts will have too much to take home!” Ribbons were awarded to
Kirk and Tom.
Sandi Richards swore in EAA’s Officers for the 2016-2017 season.
Lee then introduced Laureen Deveney, who represents the Doubting
Thomas Art Gallery in Tremont. She attended our Spring Library
Show and was very impressed. She is interested in 12 artists
works to be part of the Walk Across
America, Vacation Cleveland
exhibit at the Tremont
Gallery during the July Republican Convention.
We thank Tom Evert, judge of our Spring Fine Art Show, for
critiquing 27 pieces of members’ art. Tom said there are three
things he considers.... “what do I see”, “how well is it rendered”
and “content”.
For the first critique, a
watercolor by Sue Herrle, he said it’s “mysteriously haunting”,
questioning the yellow color at the horizon, but said it was a
“fine watercolor rendering, masterfully handling of the medium,
very pleasing”. He went on to question “where is the light” in Pat
Snook’s eggplants and “not a lot of contrast” in Marguerite’s
orchids watercolor. Evert called Dan Driscoll, Lee Peters and
Ellen Howard’s works whimsical and amusing.
Tom thought Diane Marra’s acrylic landscape had a formulaic
feeling and missing shadows. Laureen Deveney added that Diane’s
work has a whimsical quality that is hard to come by and needs to
be explored more. Tom liked the blue background treatment in
Suzette’s acrylic Egret painting and was in awe of Wali Neil’s
rendering of Billie Holliday. Evert encouraged Maureen to continue
sketching and suggested that Betsy’s Tuscan scene may be a bit too
glossy. In Kelly’s acrylic painting of lions, he observed that
every hair was done by fine lines and the image was ‘flat” and
“not on the ground”. He suggested darker colors elsewhere in
the painting.
In his consideration of the mixed media
work by Joanne Cartor, Tom said, "We are delighted by the visual
art elements at work." While for some pieces there was "not enough
information" like in Sandy’s snow scene, he made it clear that
Stan Klak's "classic and masterful" watercolor, showing "age,
texture" had enough information. Laureen Deveney contributed
comments, comparing Rozenia Cunningham's use of bold shapes and
raw colors to the Fauves. Evert went on to critique the remaining
The theme for
the evening’s refreshments was the American Flag, in honor
of Flag Day on June 14. We thank our hosts Bev Krueger and
Sue and Tom Herrle for the assortment of healthy and sweet
treats. The centerpiece was a homemade flag cake....and not
a single piece leftover. Yes! Tom Herrle was the first in
line...that’s because Kirk was unable to attend the June
meeting! |