May 2, 2016
Artists Share Their Inspiration
( Click an
image to see larger picture... )
At our May meeting, we put
together an impromptu program. Our planned demonstrator was
unable to attend due to illness and we thank our artists and
president, Lee Peters for stepping forward and providing us with a
very inspirational and fun evening. After a brief business
meeting, twelve artists shared one of their artworks and talked for
5-minutes on the inspiration behind their work.
Then, Lee presented a
30-minute visual slide show of things pertaining to art or as Lee
calls it, “from the four corners of the earth to the 12-dimensions
of the space-time continuum.....the weird, the wild, wacky and
wonderful world of the world wide web”. Lee’s inspiration of
minimalism was depicted in the first few slides. Thank you,
Lee, for taking the time to put this slide presentation together at
the last minute. We all enjoyed it....29 members and guests
participated in the evening events.
We also thank our local printer, Euclid Blue Printing, 908 East
222nd St., Euclid, 44123 for sharing examples of their printing
services and offering a discount to Euclid Art members. We
encourage our members to see Glenn at Euclid Blue for personal
service and excellent quality of your printing needs.
Thanks to our
hostesses for the evening, Carolyn Swaffield and Diane Marra
for the delicious refreshment table. How many of those
homemade cupcakes did you eat? We also enjoyed
homemade pepperoni bread, shrimp cocktail, fresh fruit, cheese
and crackers and a few other goodies. This is another
reason why you don’t want to miss a meeting! |