Our purpose is to stimulate an interest in the visual arts among our members and to provide a focus on sharing the fine arts with the community.



 Welcome to the Euclid Art Association...

  • VIRTUAL WINTER SHOW @EuclidArt.com, January 6 - February 28, 2025.  Go to the Art Shows page or click here.  There’s an amazing variety of artworks in the show, 34 pieces of art from 18 talented EAA members.  Some of the artworks are for sale.  If interested in purchasing art, contact the artist or send request with name of artist and title of work to info@euclidart.com.

    Everyone can vote…through February 28!  Vote for one….your most favorite!  As you ‘walk’ through the images in the show, take note of your favorite one.  We’ve made it easy to remember your favorite, just jot down the number below the image.  Then email your choice to info@euclidart.com, include EAA - VOTE in the subject line and say "I VOTE FOR #XXX".  It’s that easy.  Winner will be announced at our March meeting.  Our website, EuclidArt.com is the primary show viewing location, but look for the show soon on Facebook and YouTube
  • The Euclid Art Association’s next monthly meeting is Monday, March 3, 2025 at 7:00p.m. on Zoom.  We are featuring a "Sketch Along" with David Rankin, internationally acclaimed watercolor artist and author of Fast Sketching Techniques.  David will demonstrate his "Shape Sketching Procedures", drawing urban landscapes…bridges in and around Cleveland.  Bring your sketchbook, 2B pencil and 9B pencil and sketch along with David during the Zoom.  Zoom link provided the Friday before.
  • Many thanks to Canadian artist, Lydia Steeves for demonstrating "Creating Critters Using Colored Pencils" at the February Zoom meeting.  Her technique using colored pencils is uniquely her own and definitely not the traditional approach.  She shared many examples of her beautiful artwork, highlighting the importance of the backgrounds, in which she used pan pastels, a medium unfamiliar to most of our members.  We watched as she rendered the ‘red head’ of a pileated woodpecker using colored pencils and other "Lydia" techniques to achieve a deep red color and the feathered look.  You can see the Zoom demo on EAA’s YouTube channel.
  • EAA Sketchers - The Art Scramble reveal scheduled for January was canceled, due to unforeseen circumstances, and rescheduled for February 23, from 1 to 3p.m. on Zoom.  So, finish your Art Scramble, do another one, or request another challenge combo from Joan.  Contact her at artsiegirl826@aol.com.  She will randomly pick a subject and an art style.  Your challenge is to create an image in any medium that best reflects this combination.
  • WORKSHOP . . . NEW - "Mixed Media and Acrylic Paints come together in the Art of Abstract Expression", instructor, JoAnn DePolo, April 5 from 10a.m. - 3p.m at the EAA Gallery.  Transform your approach to painting and unleash your artistic vision in this immersive abstract workshop.  Explore the core principles of abstract composition, experimenting with a diverse range of paints, tools, and innovative techniques.  Learn to layer compositions using everything from high-flow to heavy-body acrylics, watercolor inks.  All materials - paints, brushes, applicators, and canvasses 16x20 provided.  Just wear an apron or old shirt.  Cost $95 members / $125 nonmembers.  Sign up now!  To register, contact Pam Montagno at montagnop@aol.com or call 440-622-6020.  See the Workshops page.


Euclid History Museum - Euclid Art Association